Pentru Dixon

Discutii despre orice subiect din orice domeniu! Cinema, Teatru, Restaurante, Masini, etc, etc...
BBerry.RO Team
BBerry.RO Team
Mesaje: 335
Membru din: 17 Iul 2011, 02:46
Model BlackBerry: Apple
Retea GSM: Telekom
Localitate: Spania-Zaragoza

Mesaj de Dixon »

Spun că te-ai grăbit să faci update deoarece unii se plâng că nu mai pot face restore după ce au urcat telefonul la v.6. Sper să nu fi la fel de "norocos", şi să primeşti codul de deblocare.
De-al casei
De-al casei
Mesaje: 180
Membru din: 31 Oct 2011, 21:59
Localitate: Fagaras

Mesaj de stelian302 »

am primit raspuns de la swisscom

Dear Customer
Apple have been informed that we enabled your phone to be unlocked.

The SIM lock must be removed with a new SIM card (not with the one from Swisscom)
by synchronising it with iTunes. After synchronisation, iTunes will report that your iPhone
has been successfully unlocked.

Do you have any further questions? We will be happy to answer them by e-mail, or you can
call our free phone number 0800 800 800. You can reach us Monday to Friday from
8:00 a.m. to 18:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 17:00 p.m.

Best regards
Albina Shabani

in df mode i-am dat un restore dupa care am bagat cartela si a mers :D
BBerry.RO Team
BBerry.RO Team
Mesaje: 335
Membru din: 17 Iul 2011, 02:46
Model BlackBerry: Apple
Retea GSM: Telekom
Localitate: Spania-Zaragoza

Mesaj de Dixon »


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